
Democrats predict former President Obama, the party’s most popular figure, will give a boost to presidential-hopeful Joseph Biden at a time when polls show Mr. Biden’s lead over President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, and other swing states, narrowing.  Get Co-Founder and Partner Rodell Mollineau’s perspective in this article from ABC.

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Republicans are worried that a Democratic takeover of the Senate is increasingly likely, and many are hoping for high turnout of President Trump’s conservative base in key states as the party’s last, best chance to hold on to power. Get partner Ron Bonjean’s take in this Washington Times article.

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Communications professionals need to be familiar with information security, its risks and how to respond to a crisis. October marks National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and to mark the occasion VP Kaylin Trychon shares her tips with Forbes for how communications teams can do their part to prepare for and navigate their organization through a cyber incident.

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Senator Lindsay Graham’s reelection race, that once appeared to be smooth sailing, has been moved by experts into the “toss-up” category as polls tightened and Graham was dramatically outraised by his Democratic opponent.  But could the Supreme Court confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett be a boost to his campaign?  Partner Ron Bonjean shares his perspective with The Hill.

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Creating a successful holiday marketing campaign is both art and science, as marketers need to find the best formula to tap into the holiday sentiment and sell services or products that may have very little to do with the festive mood.  To help, VP Kaylin Trychon shares with Forbes her essential tip for putting together a successful holiday marketing campaign.

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Democratic strategists warn that getting too aggressive with Amy Coney Barrett could backfire on Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris.  Read more about Harris’ approach to the confirmation hearings, and get partner Rodell Mollineau’s take on the situation.

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President Donald Trump’s response to his COVID-19 diagnosis, including his shock move to upend talks with Congress on shoring up a pandemic-hit economy, has fellow Republicans fearing they might lose their U.S. Senate majority in next month’s election.  Get partner Ron Bonjean’s take in this article.

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The president’s personal battle with Covid-19 is amplifying his approach to politics, not altering it.  Partner Ron Bonjean weighs in with NBC News in this article.

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Democrats are signaling they intend to go after Republicans who back Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court before Election Day not only this November, but in November 2022.  Get Partner Rodell Mollineau’s perspective in this article from The Hill.

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With a pandemic ravaging a divided country’s health and economy, and social justice in the spotlight to an extent rarely seen previously, most indicators point to a significant election. VP Kaylin Trychon shares tips for communicators around identifying and combatting misinformation around the election in the PR News October newsletter.

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