
Partner Kristen Hawn joins Fox News Anchor Charles Payne, energy analyst Phil Flynn, and Fox News Correspondent Jonathan Serrie to talk about the fuel shortage on this episode of “Your World.”

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For the two dozen or so people who still dream of JOE BIDEN ushering in a bipartisan utopia, this week was deflating. Co-founding partner Rodell Mollineau spoke with Politico’s West Wing Playbook about opportunities for bipartisanship in the Senate.

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Bloomberg politics contributors Jeanne Sheehan Zaino and Rick Davis deliver insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill, including conversations with influential lawmakers and key figures in politics and policy.

Guests: Congressman Don Beyer, a Democrat representing Virginia’s 8th district, and Rokk Solutions Partner Kristen Hawn.

Listen here.

President Biden reaches the 100-day mark of his administration on Thursday with much to boast about and even more to worry about.  Get founding partner Ron Bonjean’s take in this Boston Globe article.

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The decision to put the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine on pause after six cases of blood clotting were linked to women who took the shot has forced the company to deal with yet another crisis situation.  Get Managing Director Lindsay Singleton’s thoughts on how the pharma giant can weather the storm.  Read more here.

Rodell Mollineau, co-founder and partner at Rokk Solutions, owner of Protagonist Strategies, and former staffer for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, joins Julie Mason to talk Biden’s first 100 days and prospects for getting work done in the Senate.

Listen here.

In an interview on Tuesday, Rodell Mollineau, democratic strategist and partner at ROKK Solutions, spoke about the politics and policy surrounding the COVID relief bill.

“Democrats would be doing themselves a big favor; constantly remind voters that it was them who, in their time of need, helped the American people,” said Rodell Mollineau, a democratic strategist and partner at ROKK Solutions in an interview Tuesday.

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ROKK Solutions Partner Rodell Mollineau shared his thoughts on President Biden’s Cabinet during an interview with ABC News.

Partner Ron Bonjean shared his best tips with Forbes for creating compelling content through digital storytelling:

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ROKK Solutions Vice President and GROKK Cybersecurity Practice Lead Kaylin Trychon shared her thoughts with PR News on FireEye’s data breach communications response.

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