
THE WASHINGTON POST – Inside Kyrsten Sinema’s Reelection Decision: Will ‘Voters Even Care’ About Her Record?

February 2, 2024

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) has spent the past few months at the Capitol hashing out a politically tricky bipartisan deal with a small group of lawmakers to address the migrant crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border.

It’s the type of intricate legislative dealmaking the former Democrat has built her unusual political brand on. But in the next few weeks, Sinema must decide whether voters in her purple state care enough about her brand of politics in a polarized era to reelect her as an independent, as the window for her to gather enough signatures to land on the November ballot quickly closes.

Read the insights from Co-Founder and Partner Rodell Mollineau on what Sinema’s indecision to run for reelection means for Democrats in The Washington Post.

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