More spending could speed recovery from coronavirus pandemic, but it could also alienate conservative supporters. Partner Ron Bonjean comments in this article from the Wall Street Journal.
With the Democratic National Convention just two months away, there are several prominent candidates to become Joe Biden’s running mate, including Susan Rice and Kamala Harris. Hear from ROKK Solutions Senior Advisor Kristen Hawn, with Fox Business.
ROKK Solutions Partner Ron Bonjean provides his thoughts regarding Sen. Tom Cotton and his future ambitions in this AP profile.
With some lawmakers now voting remotely due to COVID-19 measures, even greater attention must be paid to local media outlets. Get the latest from Ron Bonjean in PR Daily.
With remote voting, virtual hearings, and lawmakers spending a lot less time in Washington, Ron Bonjean wrote this piece on the importance of emphasizing local media as part of developing a communications strategy aimed at influencing policy.
Ron Bonjean partner at ROKK Solutions talks with the Washington Examiner about the economic fallout from COVID-19.
Ron Bonjean partner at ROKK Solutions talks with The New York Times about the economic crisis COVID-19 might be causing.
Ron Bonjean partner at ROKK Solutions is featured in Axios’ Energy & Environment Newsletter.
Ron Bonjean Partner at ROKK Solutions talked with Bloomberg about the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill.
The 2020 race is far from over, but potential 2024 contenders are starting to make their moves. Our partner Ron Bonjean shares his thoughts with Washington Examiner.