Bloomberg reporter Kevin Cirilli asks ROKK Senior Advisor Kristen Hawn what’s on her radar on this edition of Sound On.
As conservative senators push back on the next COVID-19 stimulus package, Republican senators in tight races may push for a package to help their chances of re-election this fall. Get Senior Vice President Jeff Grappone’s perspective in The News Tribune.
Wisconsinite and ROKK partner Ron Bonjean talks with Pat Poblete of about the next coronavirus relief package, and what it might look like.
With in-person meetings and events curtailed during the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses around the world are exploring new ways to build relationships and drive new business. Get ROKK partner Ron Bonjean’s take in this recent article from Forbes.
The Trump campaign is caught between a rock and a hard place as they campaign during the COVID-19 pandemic. Get partner Ron Bonjean’s take on the recent cancellation of the Republican National Convention.
Bloomberg Chief Washington Correspondent Kevin Cirilli delivers insight and analysis on the latest headlines from the White House and Capitol Hill, including a conversation with ROKK partner Ron Bonjean.
According to the Back to Normal Barometer, Americans who are preparing to resume their pre-COVID lives are looking for situations where they have more control over their safety. What could that mean for the President’s campaign strategy? Get the latest from partner Ron Bonjean here.
Democratic and Republican lawmakers must work quickly to reach deal on jobless benefits, state assistance and business liability shields. Get partner Ron Bonjean’s take here.
President Trump is stepping up his economic attacks on Joe Biden, seeking to regain strength on an issue once seen as his golden ticket to reelection. Get more on partner Ron Bonjean’s take on the upcoming election in this article from The Hill.
Get Senior Advisor Kristen Hawn’s perspective on sanctioning China, and the Trump administration’s evolving response to the COVID-19 pandemic.