
ABC NEWS: Will the Senate become the House?

November 27, 2023

The House this year has been mired in chaos, punctuated by a 15-round speakership vote, an eight-person regicide, flirtations with government shutdowns and policy stagnations. Next year’s elections could determine if the Senate follows suit.

Rabble-rousing Republicans are running for a handful of Senate seats, including Kari Lake in Arizona, Alex Mooney in West Virginia, Jim Marchant in Nevada, James Craig in Michigan and more. Meanwhile, dealmakers like Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Mitt Romney, R-Utah, are retiring.

That means the normally staid Senate could become more like the often chaotic House, injecting further drama into Congress, if several big-name Republicans win their elections next year. 

John LaBombard, SVP at ROKK Solutions and former top aide to Sens. Jon Tester, D-Mont., and Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., shared his insights with ABC News on whether the House’s lack of decorum will make its way into the Senate. Read the full article here

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