Office Manager
Office Manager

Nicole is a staunch advocate for bipartisan collaboration, conflict resolution, and community leadership—all of which began when she first ran for student government in middle school. Her passion for political and civic engagement continued throughout high school and college, and earned her recognition from her alma mater in 2019 and a nomination to attend the United Nations’ Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders in Bangkok, Thailand in 2020. She continues to advocate for issues important to her, including gender equity, interpersonal support, and housing policy.
A decorated writer, Nicole’s written communications have won her awards, attention, and accolades since the age of 10—including, most recently, a publication in Fairfield University’s 2021 Journal of Global Citizenship. Nicole has continued to use her skill and passion for writing to inform, persuade, and educate audiences worldwide.
Following her graduation in 2020, Nicole worked for an emergency homeless shelter and spearheaded all of their agency communications, donor relations, and administrative duties. She brings this experience to her position as an Office Manager at ROKK, where she oversees daily scheduling and office responsibilities, and provides programmatic and technical assistance to the ROKK Team. Nicole holds a Bachelor’s Degree in both International Relations and Women’s and Gender Studies from Keene State College.
Her creative solutions target and resolve pressing issues.
Ask her about the time she suggested placing shelter beds onto a converted bus to accommodate social-distancing guidelines during the pandemic. (It worked and made local news!)
She’s a pro at simplifying complex communications.
Nicole brings over five years of tutoring experience to her position at ROKK, so she knows how to best break down complicated messages into digestible and persuasive pieces.
She knows how to tell a story.
For nearly 2 years, Nicole presented valuable homelessness data to local government officials and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in order to convey the extent of the housing crisis in southwestern New Hampshire. Her persistence highlighted the plight of those facing unstable housing, elevated the shelter’s work and visibility, and earned the nonprofit more funding.
Freshwater, hands down! I’ll take a lake over the ocean or pool any day.
New England Patriots
Bunnies! (She has had two Holland Lops)
Her name means “leader of the people” (a fact she’s quite proud of) and her enthusiasm and outgoing nature won her the “best school spirit” senior superlative in high school!