James Conway comes to ROKK with a decade of knowledge working on the Hill, managing political campaigns and most recently B2B technology agency experience. His work in media relations, public affairs and campaign management has led to features in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes and Reuters as well as flipping swing districts and breaking political fundraising records.
James recently served as an Account Manager at an agency where he led public relations, thought leadership and social media for companies in the technology sector with a focus on quantum computing, generative AI and semiconducting chips.
James started his career working on the Hill for Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA). A native Virginian, James recently moved back to Washington, DC from Denver.
He knows how to be in two places at once.
No, not physically, but James understands how to multitask at an expert level. How so? Did you know a candidate in Virginia can run for two political offices at once. When James was managing a candidate to run for Lt. Governor he was also running the reelection campaign for her delegate seat. Running two political races, for the same candidate, for different offices can be a major challenge with firewalls and fundraising.
He knows how to craft simple messaging for complex subjects.
Who understands quantum computing? Better yet, can you explain it so that your average reader could understand? James recently helped a company launch the first quantum computer built in Italy. He understands the challenges of pitching reporters on deep tech issues while making it easy for them to digest.
He knows how to bounce back.
When Hillary Clinton picked Tim Kaine to be her running mate in 2016 for the White House, James moved from the Senate office to the campaign to help make a difference. Instead of complaining after that loss in 2016, James decided to help first time candidates run in Virginia helping create the first blue wave in 2017.
Gloucester, Virginia
The George Washington University (B.A. in Political Science: Public Policy)
Both. Drogba the dog and Kanye the cat!
Yellowstone, Night Agent, and Black Mirror
James is a huge soccer fan and grew up playing his whole life. He plans to attend as many 2026 FIFA World Cup games in the U.S as possible.